Archive | May, 2012

My Neighbour Totoro patterns

23 May

This Totoro pattern was the one that started it all! It was one of the first completed samplers we had in store and the one which attracted the msot requests for the pattern. That’s what prompted us to start creating original patterns and selling them to other stitchers. And it is one of our biggest sellers.

My Neighbour Totoro counted cross stitch pattern – £2.30


There are tons of other Studio Ghibli inspired ideas running around my brain, and I’ve managed to turn some of them into patterns. From this very simple, yet striking, Catbus pattern

Catbus counted cross stitch pattern – £2.30

… to my personal favourite – soot sprites!!

Soot Sprites (Susuwatari) counted cross stitch pattern – £2.30


And coming soon, in our  forthcoming glow stitches section of the shop, a glow in the dark kodama – a tree spirit from Princess Mononoke. No doubt there will be requests for this pattern too!

Glow in the Dark Kodama completed sampler – coming soon – £7.50

Back of sampler


Try as I might, I can’t quite seem to get a photo of the glow in the dark effect – but when the sun goes down tonight, I’ll give it another go!

The Avengers cross stitch pattern

7 May

Steve (who you may remember is the other half of the Capes and Crafts tag team) has had a hand in designing a fair amount of the patterns you can find in store. He’s a man of big ideas, and sometimes, I have to rein in his imagination a little. But last weekend, he went to see the new Avengers movie, and, like the rest of the world, was suitably impressed. No, that’s not quite right. He was blown away! I have yet to see it, so can’t pass judgement, but that very night folks, he sat up designing a cool little Avengers pattern, which I thought was totally cute! And it even features Hawkeye’s comics costume rather than the movie one, so it’s not just for cinema fans 🙂

Avengers cross stitch pattern – £2.30


The pale colours of Cap’s headgear and Thor’s helmet mean that this pattern lends itself especially well to be stitched on coloured aida, and would be perfect for a child’s room too.

Game of Thrones pattern offer ending

2 May

Basically as the title says, folks. The special buy three get two free offer on Game of Thrones house sigil cross stitch patterns is ending tomorrow, May 3rd, to make way for some Star Wars themed awesomeness for May 4th.

So if you’ve been dragging your feet, undecided about whether to take the plunge and get all five, now is the time to do it! Hop on over to the store and snap them up!