Geeky Hanky

4 Feb

A while back we bought a huge amount of vintage handkerchiefs for a personal project, and recently, while cleaning our craft room, I found a handful of plain white ones that were left over and forgotten about. That’s when I had the idea to use waste canvas to cross stitch designs onto them.


The handkerchiefs dated from the 50’s I think, and this one has a pretty lace corner on one side.



We adapted our much larger Stark sigil pattern to create this simplified direwolf motif. We also designed the words ‘winter is coming’ in a pretty cursive script.


With so many people being more eco conscious these days – reusing canvas bags, recycling etc etc, it’s a wonder that more people haven’t embraced the cotton hanky. They can also be used for cleaning glasses or touch screens, for those of us who aren’t keen on the idea of blowing our noses in them. Whatever its use, we think this geeky hanky is pretty cool, and a great gift for any Game of Thrones fan. It’ll be in our Etsy store soon, priced at £4.00, and may well be one of a kind.

Here’s a sneak peek at another hanky I’ve been working on. Ideal for Whovians!


This hanky has a crochet style lace trim all around. It just needs a careful wash and press and should also be in store soon.


Once again, this will be a unique one off piece, so if you like it, don’t hesitate!

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